Giving is a part of our worship that reminds us that all we have is a gift from God’s generous hand. Tithing (Giving 10%) is not only commanded in the Old Testament, it was increased in the New Testament times to return to the Lord as He has prospered us.
How we give has to do with our choosing. We can use offering envelopes or not. (When we use envelopes, our Financial Secretary records our gifts to supply an annual receipt that we can use during income tax filing.) We can give by check or in cash. Our regularity of giving can happen weekly or monthly, at our choosing. We can give online, with a regular kind of deduction being made to help us in that spiritual routine. Long range giving can also be a part of our own estate planning that includes the Lord’s ministry, at our passing. It is a privilege and a blessing to give. When we bless the Lord with thankful giving, He blesses us again and again beyond what we thought possible.